Navegação por Autor "Kaastra, Jelle S."
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Space telescope and optical reverberation mapping project : III. optical continuum emission and broadband time delays in NGC 5548
Fausnaugh, Michael; Denney, Kelly D.; Barth, Aaron J.; Bentz, Misty Cherie; Bottorff, Mark; Carini, Michael; Croxall, Kevin V.; De Rosa, Gisella; Goad, Michael R.; Horne, Keith; Joner, Michael D.; Kaspi, Shai; Kim, Minsun; Klimanov, S. A.; Kochanek, C.S.; Leonard, Douglas C.; Netzer, Hagai; Peterson, Bradley M.; Schnuelle, Kirsten; Sergeev, Sergey G.; Vestergaard, Marianne; Zheng, WeiKang; Zu, Ying; Anderson, Matt; Arévalo, Patricia; Bazhaw, C.; Borman, G. A.; Boroson, Todd; Brandt, W.N.; Breeveld, Alice A.; Brewer, Brendon J.; Cackett, Edward M.; Crenshaw, Daniel Michael; Dalla Bontà, Elena; De Lorenzo-Cáceres, Adriana; Dietrich, Matthias; Edelson, Rick A.; Efimova, Natalia V.; Ely, Justin C.; Evans, Phil A.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Flatland, Kelsi; Gehrels, Neil C.; Geier, Stephan; Gelbord, Jonathan M.; Gonzalez, Luis A.; Gorjian, Varoujan; Grier, Catherine J.; Grupe, Dirk; Hall, Patrick B.; Hicks, Shannon; Horenstein, Daniel; Hutchison, T.; Im, Myungshin; Jensen, J. J.; Jones, Jeremy Bryn; Kaastra, Jelle S.; Kelly, Brandon Charles; Kennea, Jamie A.; Kim, Sang Chul; Korista, Kirk T.; Kriss, Gerard A.; Lee, Julia C.; Lira, Paulina; MacInnis, F.; Manne-Nicholas, Emily R.; Mathur, Smita; Mchardy, Ian Michael; Montouri, C.; Musso, R.; Nazarov, S. V.; Norris, Richard P.; Nousek, John A.; Okhmat, D. N.; Pancoast, Anna; Papadakis, Iossif; Parks, J. Robert; Pei, Liuyi; Pogge, Richard William; Pott, Jörg-Uwe; Rafter, Stephen E.; Rix, H.-W.; Saylor, Dicy A.; Schimoia, Jáderson da Silva; Siegel, Michael H.; Spencer, Meghin; Starkey, Donn R.; Sung, Hyun-Il; Teems, Katherine G.; Treu, Tommaso; Turner, Clay S.; Uttley, Phil; Villforth, Carolin; Weiss, Y.; Woo, Jong-Hak; Yan, H.; Young, Stuart (2016) [Artigo de periódico]We present ground-based optical photometric monitoring data for NGC 5548, part of an extended multiwavelength reverberation mapping campaign. The light curves have nearly daily cadence from 2014 January to July in nine ... -
Space telescope and optical reverberation mapping project. IV. Anomalous behavior of the broad ultraviolet emission lines in NGC 5548
Goad, Michael R.; Korista, Kirk T.; De Rosa, Gisella; Kriss, Gerard A.; Edelson, Rick A.; Barth, Aaron J.; Ferland, Gary J.; Kochanek, C.S.; Netzer, Hagai; Peterson, Bradley M.; Bentz, Misty Cherie; Bisogni, S.; Crenshaw, Daniel Michael; Denney, Kelly D.; Ely, Justin C.; Fausnaugh, Michael; Grier, Catherine J.; Gupta, Anjali K.; Horne, Keith; Kaastra, Jelle S.; Pancoast, Anna; Pei, Liuyi; Pogge, Richard William; Skielboe, Andreas; Starkey, Donn R.; Vestergaard, Marianne; Zu, Ying; Anderson, Matt; Arévalo, Patricia; Bazhaw, C.; Borman, G. A.; Boroson, Todd; Bottorff, Mark; Brandt, W.N.; Breeveld, Alice A.; Brewer, Brendon J.; Cackett, Edward M.; Carini, Michael; Croxall, Kevin V.; Dalla Bontà, Elena; De Lorenzo-Cáceres, Adriana; Dietrich, Matthias; Efimova, Natalia V.; Evans, Phil A.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Flatland, Kelsi; Gehrels, Neil C.; Geier, Stephan; Gelbord, Jonathan M.; Gonzalez, Luis A.; Gorjian, Varoujan; Grupe, Dirk; Hall, Patrick B.; Hicks, Shannon; Horenstein, Daniel; Hutchison, T.; Im, Myungshin; Jensen, J. J.; Joner, Michael D.; Jones, Jeremy Bryn; Kaspi, Shai; Kelly, Brandon Charles; Kennea, Jamie A.; Kim, Minsun; Kim, Sang Chul; Klimanov, S. A.; Lee, Julia C.; Leonard, Douglas C.; Lira, Paulina; MacInnis, F.; Manne-Nicholas, Emily R.; Mathur, Smita; Mchardy, Ian Michael; Montouri, C.; Musso, R.; Nazarov, S. V.; Norris, Richard P.; Nousek, John A.; Okhmat, D. N.; Papadakis, Iossif; Parks, J. Robert; Pott, Jörg-Uwe; Rafter, Stephen E.; Rix, H.-W.; Saylor, Dicy A.; Schimoia, Jáderson da Silva; Schnuelle, Kirsten; Sergeev, Sergey G.; Siegel, Michael H.; Spencer, Meghin; Sung, Hyun-Il; Teems, Katherine G.; Treu, Tommaso; Turner, Clay S.; Uttley, Phil; Villforth, Carolin; Weiss, Y.; Woo, Jong-Hak; Yan, H.; Young, Stuart; Zheng, WeiKang (2016) [Artigo de periódico]During an intensive Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) UV monitoring campaign of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 performed from 2014 February to July, the normally highly correlated far UV continuum ...