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dc.contributor.authorCibulski, Samuel Paulopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorRivera Patron, Marianapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorEttlin, Gustavo Mourgliapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorCasaravilla, Ceciliapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorYendo, Anna Carolinapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorFett Neto, Arthur Germanopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorChabalgoity, José Alejandropt_BR
dc.contributor.authorMoreno, Maríapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorRoehe, Paulo Michelpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorSilveira, Fernandopt_BR
dc.description.abstractCommercially available saponins are extracted from Quillaja saponaria barks, being Quil A® the most widely used. Nanoparticulate immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs or ISCOMATRIX) formulated with these, are able to stimulate strong humoral and cellular immune responses. Recently, we formulated novel ISCOMs replacing QuilA® by QB-90 (IQB-90), a Quillaja brasiliensis leaf-extracted saponin fraction, and reported that IQB-90 improved antigen uptake, and induced systemic and mucosal antibody production, and T-cell responses. However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. In this study we provide a deeper insight into the immune stimulatory properties of QB-90 and ISCOMATRIX-like based on this fraction (IMXQB-90). We show herein that, when used as a viral vaccine adjuvant, QB-90 promotes an “immunocompetent environment”. In addition, QB-90 and IMXQB-90 induce immune-cells recruitment at draining-lymph nodes and spleen. Subsequently, we prove that QB-90 or IMXQB-90 stimulated dendritic cells secret IL-1β by mechanisms involving Caspase-1/11 and MyD88 pathways, implying canonical inflammasome activation. Finally, both formulations induce a change in the expression of cytokines and chemokines coding genes, many of which are up-regulated. Findings reported here provide important insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the adjuvant activity of Q. brasiliensis leaf-saponins and its respective nanoparticles.en
dc.relation.ispartofScientific reports. London. Vol. 8, article 13582, p. 1-15pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectQuillaja brasiliensis : Saponinaspt_BR
dc.subjectImmunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs)en
dc.subjectResposta imunept_BR
dc.subjectMyeloid differentiation primary response (MyD88)en
dc.subjectImmunocompetent environmenten
dc.subjectSaponin fractionen
dc.subjectInflammasome activationen
dc.titleQuillaja brasiliensis saponin-based nanoparticulate adjuvants are capable of triggering early immune responsespt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR


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