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dc.contributor.authorWittwer, Adrián Robertopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorDorado, Rodrigo Martinspt_BR
dc.contributor.authorAlvarez y Alvarez, Gisela Marinapt_BR
dc.contributor.authorDegrazia, Gervasio Annespt_BR
dc.contributor.authorLoredo-Souza, Acir Mérciopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorBodmann, Bardo Ernst Josefpt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe interaction between the incident wind and wind turbines in a wind farm causes mean velocity deficit and increased levels of turbulence in the wake. The turbulent flow is characterized by the superposition of wind turbine wakes. In this work, the technique of turbulence spectral evaluation for reduced scale models in a boundary layer wind tunnel is presented, and different measurements of velocity fluctuations are analysed. The results allow evaluating the spectrum for different frequency ranges and the differences of the spectral behaviour between the incident wind and the turbine wake flow.en
dc.relation.ispartofAmerican Journal of Environmental Engineering [recurso eletrônico]. Rosemead. Vol. 6, no. 4A (016), p. 109-115pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectWind turbineen
dc.subjectTurbinas eólicaspt_BR
dc.subjectTurbulent wakeen
dc.subjectTúnel de ventopt_BR
dc.subjectReduced scale modelsen
dc.subjectEscoamento turbulentopt_BR
dc.titleFlow in the wake of wind turbines : turbulance spectral analysis by wind tunnel testpt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR


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