Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • p14 expression differences in ovarian benign, borderline and malignant epithelial tumors 

      Cabral, Vinicius Duarte; Cerski, Marcelle Reesink; Brito, Ivana Trindade Sá; Kliemann, Lucia Maria (2016) [Journal article]
      Background: Abnormalities in tumor suppressors p14, p16 and p53 are reported in several human cancers. In ovarian epithelial carcinogenesis, p16 and p53 show higher immunohistochemical staining frequencies in malignant ...
    • Reassessing tumor markers in local recurrences of breast cancer : a new insight 

      Pedrini, Jose Luis; Pedrini, Mariana Guedes; Savaris, Ricardo Francalacci; Machado, Luciana; Grudzinski, Melina; Zettler, Claudio Galleano (2004) [Journal article]
      It is believed that a local recurrence of a primitive breast cancer has the same prognostic factor profi le as its primary breast cancer tumor. Material/Methods: We compared the immunohistochemical expressions of the tumor ...