Navegação Zootecnia por Assunto "Heterogeneity"
Resultados 1-3 de 3
Assessing the Put & Take, fencing and topping techniques to control sward structure under continuous stocking
(2021) [Dissertação]‘Rotatinuous’ is a grazing management concept based on animal behavioral responses to sward structure, to minimize time and consequently maximize herbage intake per unit of grazing time. The application of this strategy ... -
Implications of management practices on sward height distribution and behavioral responses of sheep under continuous stocking
(2021) [Dissertação]The functional response and grazing behavior play an important role in setting grazing management goals. A new management approach guided by the intake response was proposed recently. This strategy, named Rotatinuous, ... -
Padrões de ingestão e deslocamento de bovinos e ovinos em ambientes pastoris complexos
(2010) [Tese]O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na EEA-UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul/RS, entre novembro e dezembro de 2009, com o objetivo de avaliar as estratégias de pastejo de novilhas e ovelhas, buscando o entendimento das respostas ...