Classificação e descrição à moda brasileira : uma análise em arquivos públicos estaduais brasileiros
Outro título
Archivistic classification and description in brazilian fashion : an analysis in brazilian state public archives
Studies that position archival classification and description as processes of organization and representation of knowledge and information most frequently observed in the literature. In this article, analyze the characteristics of the activity according to the prospective file definition of identification procedures definition and identification of procedures. This research is characterized as basicresearch, which uses . Studies that position archival classification and description as processes ...
Studies that position archival classification and description as processes of organization and representation of knowledge and information most frequently observed in the literature. In this article, analyze the characteristics of the activity according to the prospective file definition of identification procedures definition and identification of procedures. This research is characterized as basicresearch, which uses . Studies that position archival classification and description as processes of organization and representation of knowledge and information most frequently observed in the literature. In this article, analyze the characteristics of the activity according to the prospective file definition of identification procedures definition and identification of procedures. This research is characterized as basicresearch, which uses documental research to collect data and content analysis, recommended by Bardin (2016), for analysis. There were twelve state public archives that presented a website for access to their documents. Among the 26 public files surveyed, only 12 (twelve) the information presented was possible to develop an analysis. From the content analysis, twelve categories of analysis were raised for the classification and eight categories for the description. All research instrument files, either in publication or on the website itself. Ten files indicate what type of archival classification they develop, two do not mention this activity. They became available, mostly, from digital technologies to realize their management tools to users. The importanceof transparent archives and practical procedures regarding Brazilian public archives is highlighted. ...
Contido em
Brazilian Journal of Information Science: research trends. Marília, SP: UNESP, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências. Vol. 16 (2022), e02158
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