Prevalência de tabagismo e fatores associados em área metropolitana da região Sul do Brasil
Outro título
Prevalence of smoking and associated factors in a metropolitan area of southern Brazil
Com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de tabagismo em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, e os fatores associados, executouse estudo observacional, de delineamento transversal e base populacional. Através de amostragem aleatória proporcional, por estágios múltiplos e conglomerados, selecionaram-se 1.091 indivíduos, a partir de 18 anos, que responderam a um questionário, em entrevista domiciliar. Aferiu-se o hábito de fumar através de perguntas dirigidas ao tipo de fumo, freqüência e tempo de exposição. ...
Com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de tabagismo em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, e os fatores associados, executouse estudo observacional, de delineamento transversal e base populacional. Através de amostragem aleatória proporcional, por estágios múltiplos e conglomerados, selecionaram-se 1.091 indivíduos, a partir de 18 anos, que responderam a um questionário, em entrevista domiciliar. Aferiu-se o hábito de fumar através de perguntas dirigidas ao tipo de fumo, freqüência e tempo de exposição. A prevalência foi de 34,9% (IC 31,9 - 37,8), sendo de 41,5% (IC 38,5 - 44,4) entre os homens e 29,5% (IC 26,8 - 32,2) entre as mulheres. O início foi, em média, aos 16 (±5,6) e 17,8 (±6,7) anos, com moda de 15 e 14 anos, respectivamente. Os homens fumavam 19,0 ± 14,0 cigarros por dia e as mulheres 14,5 ± 10,3. Analisaram-se as associações através de regressão logística, incluindo-se no modelo sexo, idade, educação, renda, qualificação profissional e consumo de álcool. O hábito de fumar foi mais freqüente entre os homens, indivíduos de menor nível socioeconômico, dos 30 aos 39 anos, e entre os usuários de bebidas alcoólicas. Conclui-se que o tabagismo é freqüente em Porto Alegre, constituindo-se problema de saúde pública similar ao referido pela literatura. O consumo de álcool deve estar associado ao fumo por serem ambos comportamentos de risco, com determinantes comuns. ...
A cross-sectional study was carried out for the purpose of evaluating, the prevalence of smoking and the factors associated with it in Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazilian. Through proportional, multiple stage, random sampling, 1.091 individuals (92% of those eligible) of 18 or more years of age, were interviewed at home. Exposure to smoking was measured by a questionnaire that inquired about the type, quantity and frequency of tobacco use. The prevalence of smoking was 34.9% (Cl 31.9 - 3 ...
A cross-sectional study was carried out for the purpose of evaluating, the prevalence of smoking and the factors associated with it in Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazilian. Through proportional, multiple stage, random sampling, 1.091 individuals (92% of those eligible) of 18 or more years of age, were interviewed at home. Exposure to smoking was measured by a questionnaire that inquired about the type, quantity and frequency of tobacco use. The prevalence of smoking was 34.9% (Cl 31.9 - 37.8). It was higher -among men - 41.5% (Cl 38.5 - 44.4) then women - 29.5% (Cl 26.8 - 32.2). The former started smoking at mean age of 16 (± 5.6), with mode of 15 and smoked an average of 19.0 (± 14.0) cigarettes per day. Females started at a mean age of 17.8 (± 6.7), with mode of 14 years old and smoked 14.5 (± 10.3). The association of the drinking habit and demographic and socioeconomic variables with smoking was evaluated through logistic regression. The variables included in the model were sex, age, education, income, professional qualification and alcohol consumption. The prevalence of smoking was greater for men, individuals of lower sociecinomic level, between 30 and 39 years of age, and among those accustomed to consuming alcoholic beverages. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that smoking is a public health problem in Brazil as in another countries. It is associated with sex, age, education and professional qualification, as has been observed elsewhere. The association of alcohol consumption with smoking may be understood as risk behavior, both having similar determinants. ...
Contido em
Revista de saúde pública = Journal of public health. São Paulo, SP. Vol. 29, n. 1 (1995), p. 46-51
Artigos de Periódicos (41542)Ciências Biológicas (3250)
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