Microelectronics |
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Satisfiability-based covering of AIGs using KL-cuts
(2024) [Thesis]The rapid advancement of Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) silicon integration has revolutionized the electronics industry, enabling the integration of billions of transistors into a single integrated circuit. This ... -
Towards resilient graphics processing units : designing fault tolerance techniques for radiation-induced faults
(2024) [Thesis]Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have emerged as powerful computational tools, enabling high-performance parallel processing and driving significant advancements in various domains. However, their integration into safety-critical ... -
IPSoCGen platform - Framework for MP/SoC generation
(2023) [Dissertation]System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures encompass multiple processing elements and a com munication fabric on a single integrated circuit, offering substantial parallelism and a high communication bandwidth. This arrangement ... -
Controle da transição de fase cristalina de dissulfeto de molibdênio (MoS2) com feixe de íons
(2023) [Dissertation]Recentemente, os dicalcogenetos de metais de transição, ou simplesmente TMDs, têm atraído grande atenção devido às suas vastas aplicações tecnológicas. Entre esses materiais, o dissulfeto de molibdênio (MoS2), um material ... -
Exploiting virtual layers and reconfigurability for FPGA convolutional neural network accelerators
(2023) [Dissertation]Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a solution for many classification problems, from face recognition to malware detection in computer network packets. With great accuracy, ANN algorithms are computationally expansive, ... -
Memory circuit hardening to Multiple-Cell Upsets
(2024) [Thesis]A new era of space exploration is coming with an exponential increase in satellites and a drastic cost reduction. Memory circuits are a fundamental part of space applications, and techniques to deal with the radiation ... -
Funcionalização de dissulfeto de molibdênio : explorando o potencial de líquidos iônicos para modificação e aprimoramento de propriedades de materiais bidimensionais
(2023) [Dissertation]Nos últimos anos, os materiais bidimensionais (2D), com destaque para o dissulfeto de molibdênio (MoS2), têm ganhado crescente importância na pesquisa em nanotecnologia e ciência dos materiais. O MoS2, composto por um átomo ... -
Automated design space exploration of approximate VLSI architectures for low-power tree-based learning models
(2023) [Thesis]The evolution in CMOS technology has led to an increased computational capacity of electronic devices, enabling complex applications to be processed in embedded platforms. An example of this is the growth of machine learning ... -
Non-linear shunt regulator based on a PWM RF power detector for RFID applications
(2023) [Dissertation]Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is utilized in a variety of applications, includ ing tagging animals and objects to make their identification (ID) easier to read and man age, similar to a bar code or QR code. In this ... -
Fault tolerance characterization of RISC-V processors in SRAM-based FPGAs for aerospace applications
(2023) [Thesis]Aerospace applications, such as small satellites, demand a certain level of reliability due to Single Event Effects (SEE). At the same time, Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) devices are frequently used in New Space missions. ...